Justice is a card that I have rarely ever drawn, but love. The obvious interpretations may be determining the balance between right and wrong, up and down. But it may …
The Chariot
I love this card… a man in a chariot, larger than life, and he appears to be in the position of great possibilities. Will he go right or left? Is …
Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles shows a wonderfully benevolent individual carefully measuring out their generosity from a position of power and abundance, sharing with a population that is broken, in pain, …
Five of Swords
A person retrieves five swords, while in the background we see two retreating, dejected individuals. The impression I always get from the five of swords is that someone won; they …
The Tower, Burn it Down
This card is often read as a warning, that doom is a lightening strike away. Instead of random and out of our control, I would challenge you to see this …
The Emperor
What strikes me about the Emperor today is how grounded this guy is. My current favourite deck, The Mystic Dreamer pictures a very handsome guy, cool long hair and shmancy …
Two of Wands
In the two of wands we see a man holding the world in the palm of his hand. Instead of looking at it with joy or contentment, he gazes off …
Two of Cups
One of the ways to read the two of cups is in terms of projection. Suppose I painted a lovely portrait of my partner, capturing him perfectly. In my picture …
3 of Swords
Your mind… friend or foe? The three of swords fascinates me, because it appears both violent and sanitized all at the same time. Swords are about intellect, sharp wittedness, the …
6 of Wands
At first glance, the 6 of Wands looks like a victory card, which is why it is often read as that. If we put it into the line-up of the …