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Justice is a card that I have rarely ever drawn, but love. The obvious interpretations may be determining the balance between right and wrong, up and down. But it may also be important to look at the balance between understanding, self awareness, insight, and action. Because Justice shows up in the second line of the Major Arcana, there is a link to the Magician and high priestess. The Magician is the symbol of action and movement, and the High Priestess represents a journey toward self awareness and intuition. On their own, each is simply an archetype, but when you combine them you find an ally who supports personal empowerment and proactive growth.

Justice, How We Got Here

Every decision we have made, every new thing we have learned, has formed us into the person we are today. For better or for worse, we have built the person we see in the mirror. When our past remains a mystery of random events, we see it as something that has happened to us. If we can instead learn to see who we are today as an outcome of every decision we have made, that our future self is formed by every decision we make now, it empowers us to live life with an element of awareness that we can act today on behalf of our future selves. That future self could be who we will be 20 minutes from now, 20 years from now. What needs to happen right now so that our future self has the skills, resources, and reputation to succeed.

Essentially, this card calls us to accept responsibility for ourselves all along the way to who we are today. It encourages us to leave gifts, skills and tools for the future version of who we will be. To prepare for what we will need to succeed. That is a wonderfully empowering skill to learn.

The Way Forward

What does the person you will be at the end of this week, need to make your weekend as restorative and healing as possible? What will your primary relationships need from you now in order for you to have skilful conversations next week? Where do you need to increase your skill in some area today so that next month you feel equipped to handle what will come? You are not a victim of the world around you. Pack your “suitcase” intentionally.

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