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In the two of wands we see a man holding the world in the palm of his hand. Instead of looking at it with joy or contentment, he gazes off into the distance. It appears like he is trying really hard to remind himself that he should be happy with what he has, but it’s not working. When I look at this picture, I see someone who is confused. He is dressed for a journey, yet is positioned in the wrong way to actually start the journey.

Ever have a feeling like, “Wow, this is sooo not what I thought it would be like”? That can be a crushing feeling. Like we have wasted our time and energy on something that doesn’t measure up to our hopes and dreams. It can be a feeling of being deceived, a feeling that can even undermine our confidence in our decision-making.

In this, we can accept that our situation has turned into something other than what we wanted. Or we can feel the frustration of being lied to or misunderstood and seek to hold our ground. We can wear those wounds like a badge of honour and make sure everyone knows how these people or situations have been unfair. To accept the reality of these circumstances could begin the journey through loss, disappointment, maybe even grief. It may be to learn to hold our dreams and aspirations loosely, leaving room for personal growth and new information along the way.

The Two Of Wands Reminds Us That Decisions Are Temporary

The two of wands tells us that instead of feeling disillusioned for the choices we’ve made, maybe it’s time to accept that all decisions we make are temporary. Just because you worked really hard for something, remember that who you were when you started the journey to your current situation is not who you are now, and the current you now knows things your past self did not. All you know when you take your next step is what this moment looks and feels like. Keep your dreams general enough to accommodate growth along the way, and then keep going. Not everything has to have a finish line. Sometimes the greatest measure of success is that you learned something new about yourself or the world. That hopefully it has made your life richer as a result.

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