I love this card… a man in a chariot, larger than life, and he appears to be in the position of great possibilities. Will he go right or left? Is one direction better that the other. He appears totally prepared for anything.
Yet a closer look reveals that he has actually cemented himself into his chariot. His horses or sphinxes are facing opposing directions. His wheels are in water, signifying that his decisions are founded on emotions. He is disproportionately larger than the city behind him. He dressed up for a party, but is going nowhere.
What keeps this man so rigidly controlled, and what is he afraid of? He has engineered himself into a place where, God forbid, this chariot actually starts to move, he would be torn apart by all the contradictions.
The Chariot as an Ally
If you were to take this card on as an ally today, I hope it would challenge you to look at moments in your day when you are white knuckling it and give yourself grace to ease up on the reigns and be authentic. What are the contradictions in your life? Does it really have to be either/or? What are the real parts, and what are the masks? What are the masks covering over? How do you feel about those parts? How do they feel about you? What would those parts say about you? What do they need from you? Can you do that for them?
The Chariot card, as an ally, invites you to dig a little deeper, past the visible parts of you, to the invisible. Now embrace and welcome them into your day. Change your relationship with those parts, letting them know they are loved and accepted, and that between you and all your parts, “You got this!”