Beltane, also known as May Day, is a vibrant and ancient festival celebrated on the first of May. This traditional Celtic festival marks the midway point between the spring equinox …
Celebrating Beltane: Traditions, Symbols, and Modern Practices
🌿Unlock Your Healing Potential: Reiki Training Weekend!
Dear community, As we stand on the cusp of spring’s blossoming beauty, we’re thrilled to extend an invitation to our upcoming Reiki training weekend. Join us for a transformative journey …
Our Sound Bath event in Langley
We recently hosted a magical outdoor sound bath in Langley during the full moon, where participants embarked on a profound journey of self-exploration and renewal. Guided by LaVerna and Madeleine, …
What I love about the Yule time is the celebration of the closing down of one part of our lives to make room for new growth. It is so healthy …