What I love about the Yule time is the celebration of the closing down of one part of our lives to make room for new growth. It is so healthy to bring our projects to a close and shut down the energy conduits to our past. Yule brings days are shorter, giving us more time to snuggle in, reflect, sleep, and restore ourselves. I love that Mother Nature dims the lights to make that possible.
I love that “family” can include people with shared DNA but doesn’t have to. Yule is that it is a time of year where we engage our circle and celebrate abundance without reservation. I love that we get to reflect on our greatest joys in this year. I love that we can share our greatest hopes and dreams as we move into the time of rebirth.
Yule Means Looking Back
What has your greatest accomplishment been this year? What was the hardest part? How have you grown this year? As we move from long hours of sun to long hours of shadows, what do you need to let go of? What are you most grateful for? In what ways has abundance shown up for you this year? Who are the people that the universe has gifted you with? What have they taught you? What are you most proud of in 2022? How have you loved those in your life?
And where we could have done better… remember that we accept 100% of the consequences for our choices, skillful and unskillful. Identify the ways you could have done better. Identify them, but don’t dwell on them. Forgive yourself for not doing better when you didn’t know how. Let go of anything that no longer serves you, let it wash away down the creek and away from your body.
And Looking Forward
What are the “seeds” you wish to plant as we prepare for another year? Think in terms of what you want more of rather than less of. What would things be like if you got what you wished for? How do you want to show up in your life this time around the wheel? If your six-year-old self could see you now, what would they wish into your life? How about your 15-year-old self? What can you build into your life to honour each of those parts/ages of yourself?
Embrace the love in your life. Let it bloom.