
(778) 907-6505


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9 am - 5 pm

At Earth Sisters, we are passionate about giving you the tools you need to thrive in your life, and crystal bracelets are one of those tools. Whether you believe that crystals have healing properties, that it is a placebo, or you just think they are gorgeous, crystals have a lot to offer. With crystals, as is with so many other things, it is all about intention.

In The Morning

When you equip your bracelet in the morning, and you arm yourself with all of your pocket crystals, take time to think about why you choose to carry each one and what you ask it to help you with and fill it with that energy. As you go throughout the day and notice each crystal that you carry, be reminded to bring that energy into yourself. Whether that is the gentle energy of rose quartz, the protection of black jasper, or the calming wisdom of amethyst, bring some of that energy into your day.

At The End Of The Day

When your day is done, and it is time to remove all your crystals, remember to thank each one for the gift it has provided, and help it clear the energy it has collected throughout the day. Some great clearing methods are to put it next to selenite, which will transmute negative energy into love and clear anything it has picked up along the way. You can also run it underwater (check first to see if your crystal can get wet, some of them will dissolve), or pass it through the smoke of incense or Palo Santo. Crystals can also be cleansed and charged in the sunlight (note that some crystals, like amethyst, lose their colour in the sun so be careful which ones you choose) or in the moonlight.